Customer Relationship Management
The challenges of a CRM :
- Simplify and facilitate access to reliable data that is not duplicated in numerous inconsistent copies.
- Work cross-functionally by sharing data while guaranteeing a high level of confidentiality.
- Gain a better understanding of the school's relationships with each of its academic and industrial partners.
- Professionalize relationships and optimize partner satisfaction.
About this process
Acquisition of a CRM to better manage relationships with our partners.
The school wants to equip itself with a customer relationship management tool, capable of building, memorizing and tracking relationships with its various partners (companies, institutions, individuals, alumni...) and responding to its missions.
What is a CRM?
A CRM (Customer RelationShip Management) is a tool for :
- gain a global view of the school's relationships with its academic and industrial partners;
- centralize data on relations with partners, saving time and improving the flow and exchange of information between the school's divisions, departments and services;
- personalize document templates: saving staff time and strengthening partner loyalty;
- measure to improve relations with partners, and better understand and respond to their needs.
This project is the first in the Schéma Directeur de la Transformation Numérique et des Usages (Digital Transformation and Usage Master Plan). One of its main principles is to involve users throughout the project. The project leader wished to interact with correspondents from each department to share their needs and the difficulties they perceive.