Customer Relationship Management
The missions of the correspondents are :
- Participate in the 3 extended COPIL meetings on the CRM project (23/01, 01/03 and 31/03), which will enable a complete set of specifications to be drawn up.
- Pass on information communicated at COPIL meetings to their respective entities.
- Pass on to the COPIL any remarks/questions raised by his unit
- Draw up a summary of your entity's requirements for the CRM project
- Work with the project manager on data recovery prior to injection into the future CRM.
- Beyond the scope of the project, the correspondents will act as relays in the departments and divisions to promote CRM usage.
Liste des correspondants "CRM"
- Direction : Catherine Hellio
- DEVRE : Véronique Stéphan (porteur du projet)
- DEVRE : Pierre Tremenbert (incubateur)
- DRIPA : Bérénice Brochard
- DFVS : Elsa Bruy puis Patricia Auzas, Philippe Picouët
- Dir Communication : Fabienne Millet-Dehillerin
- DRI : Jacky Haurogné
- SRCD : Baptiste Gaultier
- MEE : Charlotte Langlais
- MO : François Gallée
- Subatech : Isabelle Ollitrault
- DAPI : Jacques Noyé
- DSEE : Khaled Loubar
- INFO : Gilles Coppin
- DDS : Gwenaël Brunet