Responsible digital
Let's help identify the school's commitments and ambitions
Participate, contribute, be a responsible digital player
Before you can have your say, log in to your account on this ITM-managed platform. Then access the various menus "Discover responsible digital", "Ask a question"... to contribute to this collective project.
About this process
Let's build and propose a Responsible Digital policy and action plan together
Why get involved?
In the face of global warming, action is urgently needed. Jean Jouzel reminds us that after 2030, it's too late to stay below 2 degrees of warming and avoid the consequences that would ensue.
In concrete terms, we need to divide our current average CO2 emissions by 5. At the same time, digital emissions represent more than air transport emissions, and are growing all the time. The aim of this project is to propose a "Responsible Digital" policy and a short- and medium-term action plan enabling the school to adopt a trajectory compatible with the Paris COP 21 agreements. The proposals will be submitted to management for decision.
Nothing will be possible without everyone's support and a change in everyone's practices. Your commitment to this project is important for the planet, and also for determining together what we can do. That's why this project adopts a participative approach.
Who can participate?
All students and staff at the school are invited to contribute to the project, whether to raise awareness of digital responsibility, to identify actions already underway, or to propose objectives and actions to be taken.
Project milestones
The project is divided into 4 phases (more détails):
- raising awareness of digital responsibility,
- A snapshot of actions already underway,
- co-drafting of a “Responsible Digital” policy proposal containing the school's ambitions, commitments and a timetable,
- co-drafting of a proposed action plan to implement the commitments.
At the end of the project, the school's management will decide on the proposals, and may validate, modify or modify any element of the policy and action plan proposals.
This collaborative approach will enable us to :
- benefit from the diversity of opinions, expectations and expertise.
- encourage everyone to adhere to the responsible digital policy and action plan.
- create a policy and action plan tailored to our specific needs and challenges.
How can you get involved?
Throughout the project, you are invited to express yourself and make proposals on the different pages of this space. At each stage of the project, a new interaction is available to interact with you on a new subject. Come back to this site to continue enriching the reflections, take part in discussions, respond to other participants... All your contributions will help us build a common vision and draft a Responsible Digital Policy and action plan.
Click on the "Follow" button to be kept informed of developments on a proposal, a page or a discussion.
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See all meetings (1)Policy See all proposals (57)
Created at
21/11/2024 -
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Created at
06/11/2024 -
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Created at
19/11/2024 -
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Created at
07/11/2024 -
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