Common collaboration offer
Let's choose together
Process phases
101/04/2024 - 30/06/2024
Digital tools used in schools
School Information Systems Departments (ISDs) are surveyed to identify the digital tools used in schools.
201/09/2024 - 07/10/2024
Call for participation
A multi-media communication campaign (e-mail, intranet, TV screen, etc.) has been launched to invite users of the Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) schools to participate in the choice of a joint collaboration offer.
307/10/2024 - 03/11/2024
Digital uses and collaborative practices
The aim of this project is to find out more about your current digital uses and collaboration practices. We propose that you contribute to an online survey on your use of digital tools, a debate on your collaborative practices and workshops for live sharing of your collaborative experiences. This step will give us a snapshot of what already exists, and help us identify ways of improving collaboration conditions.
404/11/2024 - 01/12/2024
Gathering your expectations
The next stage of the project is to identify your expectations regarding the future joint collaboration platform. You are invited to indicate your priority cross-functional needs and the platform selection criteria that seem most important to you. In order not to overlook any relevant platforms in the market study, you can suggest names of platforms to study. These elements are essential to ensure that only a few platforms are shortlisted.
502/12/2024 - 31/12/2024
Market research
A company has been commissioned to study the platforms on the market, analyze them in relation to our environment, and compare them with regard to current user practices, their expectations and needs, and a series of criteria.
603/01/2025 - 07/03/2025
Platform testing
A call for volunteers is launched to identify those who wish to experiment with the platforms deemed most interesting and ranked in a short-list. They then evaluate the usability of each platform tested. At the end of the tests, they fill in a recognized methodological questionnaire to measure their perception of the effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction of using the platforms.
708/03/2025 - 04/04/2025
The user consultation is now complete. A proposal for collaborative platforms has been drawn up based on user feedback. It is presented to various committees and then submitted to the college of directors for a decision.
803/04/2025 - 30/04/2025
Decision-making and change management
The Board of Directors has made its decision. This decision is communicated. A change management study is carried out for each school to move from the current state of each information system to the solution chosen by the IMT.