Consult, sort, filter, search for proposals
Assemblies and consultations can include the collection of proposals from participants.
Sorting proposals
By default, proposals are displayed in random order for each consultation, so as to guarantee an equal chance of being read. You can change the sorting criteria. To do so, click on the current sorting criterion above the proposals to select another. This makes it easy to see the latest proposals (“most recent” criterion).
Filter/search proposals
To the left of the proposals, a grey box allows you to filter the proposals displayed in several ways:
- by entering one or more words in the search field
- by selecting your own contributions
Depending on the settings chosen by the organizer of the consultation or assembly, other criteria are possible:
- proposals I have supported
- choice of proposal categories
- proposal processing status
- type of proposal writer: “official” proposals are those posted by the team running the space.
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