Identify yourself and remain anonymous
All ITM students and staff can log in with their usual login and password. To do so, simply :
- click on the link
at the top right of the window;
- click on the button
- continue as usual to enter your login and password;
- complete your profile to finalize your first connection;
- read and accept the site's legal notices (mandatory information) by clicking on the button at the bottom of the page.
When you fill in your profile, you are asked to provide :
- the name that will appear on your contributions (proposals, comments, etc.)
- a username that must be unique on the platform and contain no spaces.
If you wish to remain anonymous, choose a name or pseudonym unrelated to your real name. If you use an avatar, remember not to include your real photo.
If, at a later date, you wish to change the identity associated with your account (for example to be anonymous), click on the link with your name in the top banner of the site, then choose "my public profile". From this page, you can change your identity by clicking on the button .